I specialize in Personal Computer Support for Ex-Pats living in the Philippines in fact I am an Ex-Pat myself. Before moving to the Philippines nearly 80% of my client base were in the 50 plus age group, these clients were either new to Computing or had an earnest desire to learn more and make better use of their computers.

Personal Computer Support is best explained in four words :- Learning, Prevention, Maintenance and Recovery. There is more detail to be found on the Services Page, click here or follow the link on the navigation bar to go to the Services Page.


There might be several reasons why you want to learn more about computers, firstly you might be just beginning and need some initial guidance to point you in the right direction. Secondly you want to make more of your machine and learn new skills – take control of your computer rather than have it control you. Lastly you could find yourself in a must learn situation when a change in circumstances requires you to become much more proficient. Whatever the reason I can help with tuition which is specific to your circumstances, tuition which is designed around your needs, tuition which is all about what you want to learn and not about what others think you should know. You might want to know more about Social Media or how to produce a spreadsheet, maybe just more about storing images or more efficient Emailing- it could be you want to learn just a little about all of these subjects, this is when specific training scores and gives you the knowledge you want.


We have all become more dependant on our computers and becoming an Ex-Pat has increased this dependancy, our machines have become vital for Communicating with our Loved Ones, Banking, Online Shopping and keeping up with the latest from the Old Country. The loss of your machine might just be a minor inconvenience or it could be a major disaster – as they say “Prevention is better than a Cure” - there are lots of ways of preventing potential problems – I can show you how. There are three types of loss – Theft, Hardware Failure and Virus Attack – although all three are unpredictable certain plans can be put into place that ensures that vital information is not lost. In addition when it comes to an attack by a Cyber Criminal there are ways of preventing those attacks, even if those attacks are successful there are ways of recovering quickly even from the most serious types. Although I cannot prevent Theft and Hardware Failure I can definitely do something about Cyber Crime and Virus Attacks.


As time goes on your machine will get slower both in terms of it’s initial loading or booting and it’s general operation – most people accept this as just one of those things, the truth is there are reasons why your machine slows down. Common causes are broken links, registry problems, overloaded desktop, accumulation of junk files and fragmentation of the hard disk. Every single time you use your browser or download files your system uses up hard disk storage that can be safely removed. Duplications are another source of unwanted files you just need to know where those duplicates are stored on your hard disk. Day to day tasks can be speeded up just by understanding how your machine functions – email is another source of unwanted clutter. All of these can be put right with just a simple amount of maintenance and organisation plus a little bit of understanding. The best thing is that a little bit of education and a few tweaks here and there are enough to keep your machine running as it should – my aim is to show you how to do these things and/or put in practice certain routines which prevent this all too common occurrence.


Even with the most earnest of intentions things can still go wrong – hardware failure, theft or an attack from any one of so many viruses that are around currently. My aim here is to show you how to put in place recovery procedures which will have you up and running in the shortest time possible. Correct backup and recovery operations will ensure that if the worst possible should happen you can be sure that you will lose no vital data and what’s more important have you up and running again in no time at all should a catastrophe strike. Most people are familiar with copying files and images on to USB drives or maybe storing this data in the “Cloud” but this will NOT recover programs or rebuild your system, it will NOT recover your passwords or bank details, your vital links with the outside world will NOT be there waiting for you to use them once again. All of these things are very time consuming when it comes to rebuilding your system but with the correct practices this huge time loss can be avoided.

Telephone: 0917 3108749

Mobile: 0995 1968272
